Ladue City Hall

Facility conditions assessment and feasibility study.

    • Client: City of Ladue

    • Location: Ladue, MO

    • Completed 2020

    • Safety and Security Assessment

    • Facility Needs Assessment

    • Master Plan

    • Space Programming

    • Architectural Design

    • Interior Design

    • Code Review

    • Cost Estimating

    • Community Engagement

    • Maintain historical character of City Hall while improving operations and public services

    • Update building systems

    • ADA compliant upgrades

Bond Architects completed a facility needs assessment for Ladue’s City Hall, Building Department and Public Works Department buildings. Space plans were developed based on the assessment to correct existing deficiencies and meet future spaces needs (20-30 years) of these departments.

The City will use these plans to evaluate options for substantial renovations/additions or new construction for the three government buildings to meet the growing need for additional space.


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