Districtwide Safety and Security

Extensive safety and security upgrades across six campuses in the School District of Clayton.

Phase I: Safety Study

    • Client: School District of Clayton

    • Location: Clayton, MO

    • 6 campuses

    • $3.8 M

    • Completed 2022

    • Safety and Security Study, Evaluation of Buildings and Procedures

    • Architectural Design

    • Construction Documents

    • Construction Administration

    • Procedure Recommendations and Training

    • Future Project Planning for Implementation in the District Master Plan

    • Secure Vestibules

    • Security Camera

    • IT Upgrades

    • Egress Plans

    • New Door Hardware

    • Perimeter Enhancements

    • All-Gender Restrooms

    • Accessibility and ADA Compliance

    • New Site Lighting

    • New Signage

The School District of Clayton commissioned Bond Architects to complete a district-wide safety and security upgrades on all its campuses. The district’s facilities are a diverse range of building ages, and architectural styles. Several buildings had accumulated layers of renovations over the decades, resulting in complex layouts. Each unique building would require careful attention from our designer to develop custom solutions to suit their needs.

The district’s goals for improving safety went beyond making facilities more resistant to intruders. The district wanted to enhance safety by making campuses more complaint with ADA regulations. In addition, the district wanted to reduce bullying by converting existing gender-segregated school restrooms into all-gender restrooms.

Our team conducted thorough safety and security surveys of each campus, then reviewed their findings with partners at TierOne Security. After a thorough review, our team prepared a report prioritizing their findings at each school and making suggestions for upgrades.

Phase II: Safety Implementation

After receiving district approval, Bond Architects moved forward on implementing the suggested upgrades at each building. The implementation was spread out over two phases to avoid disruptions to curriculum. Bond Architects also worked with the district on emergency preparedness by developing new egress plans, reviewing action plans, and making procedural updates and modifications. Bond Architects also completed the conversion of several restrooms into all-gender restrooms. Our team saved costs for the district by salvaging fixtures to reinstall later, and by reusing existing layouts of walls and rooms instead of a complete renovation.


University City Public Library


Clayton High School Library