Kirkwood High School

Transforming a school building with an extensive new storm shelter wing.

    • Client: Kirkwood Schools

    • Location: Kirkwood, MO

    • 61,804 SF

    • $12M

    • Completion Date: 2024

    • Bond Referendum Support

    • Planning

    • Architectural Design

    • Interior Design

    • Cost Estimating

    • Value Engineering

    • Phased Implementation

    • Construction Documents

    • Construction Administration

    • New Welcome Center

    • New security office

    • New entrance

    • New wing with 10 classrooms, doubling as a storm shelter

    • Capture of new classrooms and grade-level offices

    • Five new card readers

    • Six parking control gates

    • Relocation of utilities

Bond Architects completed renovations and additions at Kirkwood High School. A new Welcome Center improves safety by establishing a new main access point with a secure vestibule entry, monitored by an adjacent Administrative Office.

Storm shelter classroom wing.

Bond Architects designed a new storm shelter wing using masonry construction. The wing contains a total of ten classrooms, with state-of-the-art spaces for electives such as Culinary Arts, Fashion Design and Computer Technology, along with standard classrooms and restrooms.


The Muny Scene Pavilion


Kirkwood Schools Furniture Standards