Rayburn Park

Renovating a community park for improved accessibility.

    • Client: City of Crestwood

    • Location: Crestwood, MO

    • 3.9 acres

    • $250,000

    • Completed 2019

    • Planning

    • Construction Administration

    • 2 new ADA compliant playgrounds •

    • New asphalt drive and ADA compliant sidewalks

    • New site lighting and drinking fountain

    • New ADA compliant parking lot

    • “Glow Rock” walking paths

Bond Architects renovated Rayburn Park for the City of Crestwood; a project made possible by a local grant.

Renovations included two new playground equipment sets, walking paths, new lighting and additional parking. Special “glow rock” was used to highlight the walking paths at night, using glow-in-the-dark aggregates in the concrete.

Accessibility was a major focus of the renovation, with the new playgrounds, walking paths and parking lot all being ADA compliant.


Campus Roof Replacements


St. Louis County Library District