Converting a historic dairy barn into a multipurpose events venue.

    • Client: City of Festus

    • Location: Festus, MO

    • Estimated completion 2027

    • Planning

    • Code Compliance and ADA

    • Architectural Design

    • Interior Design

    • Renderings and Visualizations

    • Construction Documents

    • Construction Administration

    • New attached outdoor deck

    • New bridal rooms

    • Accessibility upgrades

    • New restrooms

Bond Architects is working with the City of Festus on converting a historic 1930s dairy barn in Crites Park into a multipurpose events venue. The goal of this renovation is to create a safe, accessible, and comfortable event venue while preserving the character that gives the building its charm.

Our process began with a thorough structural assessment to identify aspects of the building envelope that need reinforcement or repair. We then helped the City develop a phased plan for renovating the building and site.

Rendering of new deck addition and ADA ramp.

The existing Red Barn, before renovations.


Wright City High School


Crestwood Community Center