Clayton High School Wellness Center

Repurposing a classroom into a teen mental health hub.

    • Client: School District of Clayton

    • Location: Clayton, MO

    • Completion Date: 2024

    • $155,269

    • Architectural Design

    • Branding

    • Code Analysis

    • Code Compliance/ADA

    • Interior Design

    • Security and Safety Design

    • Space Planning

    • Wayfinding / Signage

    • New windows and doors, adding natural light to a previously windowless room.

    • New energy efficient LED light fixtures and controls.

    • Interior and exterior entries.

    • Open space for two staff members.

    • Three private rooms.

    • Soft seating within flexible multipurpose area.

The School District of Clayton wanted a quiet retreat for students to use during the day to restore mental health. Bond Architects worked with the district to convert an underutilized classroom into a wellness center with three acoustically separated private rooms for counseling. Designers applied trauma-informed design principles, such as residential style materials and furniture, to create a calming space. This project is part of the district’s ongoing efforts to holistically address school safety.


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