Hanna Woods Elementary School

    • Client: Parkway Schools

    • Location: St. Louis County, MO

    • 30,000 SF

    • $3.7 M

    • Estimated Completion 2025

    • Architectural Design

    • Code Analysis

    • Code Compliance and ADA

    • Interior Design

    • Programming

    • Safety and Security Design

    • Site Paving Expansion, Parking, and Retention

    • Wayfinding/Signage

    • Construction Documents

    • Construction Administration

    • Replaced 50% of existing roofing system

    • Installed new windows in 12 classrooms with no existing windows

    • Installed skylights

    • Replaced pavement, added drive lane and entrance

    • Added 100 parking spaces

    • Replaced exterior doors

Bond Architects completed several renovations at Parkway Schools’ Hanna Woods Elementary School.

A major feature of this project was replacing 50% of the existing roofing system. This renovation enhanced sustainability with improved roofing insulation, water filtering, and retention on site for storms.

Another major renovation was installing new windows in twelve previously windowless classrooms. This upgrade will improve classroom experience by allowing natural daylight into the classrooms.


Meramec Elementary School


Clayton High School Wellness Center